The Peach State Voice (Atlanta)
May 12, 2010
1) Can Ray McBerry win the GOP nomination for Governor?
2) Can Ray McBerry best Roy Barnes in November for Governor?
3) What can Ray McBerry's Administration hope to accomplish with the powerful special interests in the Republican and Democrat parties allied against him?
Part 1: Can Ray McBerry win the GOP Nomination for Governor?
The answer is Yes positively.
Ray McBerry, Republican Candidate for Governor, is a rockstar favorite among his volunteers and his grassroots fundraising success (>$150,000) by his supporters (2,300+) working on their own is an achievement in and of itself. Ray McBerry takes no monies from special interests and relies solely on his supporters and new volunteers for the required monies it takes to mount a statewide campaign. Ray McBerry’s momentum in all the Straw polls in which he is included provides Press coverage other candidate’s can't match. At this point in the race for Georgia's Governor it is clear Ray McBerry is the candidate to beat and not one to be taken lightly.
Ray McBerry has the fastest growing campaign among all the GOP contenders and could reach 5,000 boisterous supporters by the July 20, 2010 Primary. Ray McBerry’s campaign added 500 volunteers in the month of April alone and is on track to repeat that in May. There are more Ray McBerry yard signs on private property through-out this state than any other candidate.
Ray McBerry’s campaign (www.georgiafirst.org), States Rights - 10th Amendment - message resonates with young people that recognize their futures are at risk, Constitutional Conservatives disgusted with the destruction of our founding principles, and Tea Party activists who don't trust big government, big spending, and big taxes. Ray McBerry's campaign attracts patriots that love Georgia and detests the Federal mandates on our state that destroys our jobs, our schools, and our family’s future. The citizens of Georgia are generally scared for their families and want an alternative to the weak Conservative candidates put forth by the Georgia GOP. McBerry is different and they know it!
The unconstitutional abuses by the Federal government put Ray McBerry in the fast lane to the GOP nomination and Office of Governor. Obamacare was forced down the American people's throats, even though 81% of Americans say they are happy with their current health care plan. A recent Rasmussen Report shows that 58% of Americans, Democrat and Republican, favor repeal of Obamacare. The incompetent Georgia House and Senate failed to join 38 other states in passing a Freedom of Healthcare Act nullifying Obamacare. The Attorney General Thurbert Baker (Democratic Candidate for Governor) refused to join 38 states in filing a lawsuit against the unconstitutional mandates within Obamacare. As this article goes to press the citizens of the State of Georgia are required to participate in Obamacare yet Virginia, Arizona and 11 other states are no longer required to give up their health plans. The citizens of Georgia are funding unlimited abortions, up to partial birth, with their tax dollars and the Georgia Legislature and current GOP Governor did nothing to protect us in 2009 or 2010.
These perilous outside events can move public opinion and shift voter sentiment far more quickly than any political campaign or candidate. The citizens of Georgia sense that Ray McBerry’s States Rights (10th Amendment) stand is the only thing that can secure us from being forced into Obamacare and living in a state dotted with abortion slaughter houses mandated by that bill. Under McBerry’s leadership the State of Georgia will nullify and interpose itself to keep the Federal government from mandating you buy one of their health insurance plans and spoiling our state with institutionalize abortion slaughterhouses from Brunswick to Chicamauga.
There are other outside political events to consider.
I. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has outlawed the incandescent light bulb used in your homes right now. 100W bulbs will be phased out by 2012, 60W by 2014, and 40W shortly thereafter. Mandated are the Compact Fluorescent (curly cue) lamps containing mercury. The EPA has issued strict HAZMAT procedures for disposing of and cleaning up after a “curly cue” lamp is broken. These procedures can be found online at http://www.epa.gov/mercury/spills/index.htm#flourescent.
II. Georgians already suffer from the economic malaise brought on by the sub prime mortgage mess, the credit debacle, and housing downturn. The cure by the Federal government is spending trillions of dollars of our hard earned tax dollars as stimulus. Stimulus does not work, because it transfers billions or trillions of capital – savings – from the Private Sector into the government sector as debt. That is billions or trillions no longer available to invest in capital, plant, and equipment to create jobs.
Ray McBerry's States Rights (10th Amendment) leadership will allow you to keep your Thomas Edison light bulbs, install the toilet of your choice in your home, and shield your family from economic destruction by eliminating the state income tax and all property taxes. Both will be replaced by a sales tax giving you the opportunity to decide how much and on what you pay tax.
Get ready for Part 2 (May 20, 2010), Can Ray McBerry best Roy Barnes in November for Governor? The first paragraph is below:
"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pastels, but bold colors, which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?" - Ronald Reagan, Speech to CPAC March 1, 1975
During the Gubernatorial debates the bold color differences between the Democrat Roy Barnes and the GOP nominee Ray McBerry were apparent. The crowd stood three times cheering and clapping rushing to the stage for autographs. Ray shook their hands and calmly announced to the crowd …
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