Sunday, June 27, 2010

Karen Handel is she really a Conservative? (Part 3)

by Peach Tree

Peach State Voice (Atlanta)

June 30, 2010

This is the third and final part in the series to look at Ms. Karen Handel's position on the issues as it pertains to her race for Governor of Georgia in 2010.
Ms. Handel professes on her website; "Karen is a lifelong conservative and Republican." The Peach State Voice will be the judge whether Ms. Handel is a Conservative, as for being a Republican we stipulate.

Part 1 - Abortion - Karen's Handel's vision for Georgia.

Part 2 - States Rights - Will she fight hard for all Georgia's citizens?

Part 3 - Economy - Does Karen Handel know Austrian economics?


Part 3 - Economy - Does Karen Handel know Austrian economics?

If you read the issues on Ms. Handel's website regarding taxes and the economy it seems Conservative. Ms. Handel does indicate a willingness to lower taxes for families and businesses, which is a good thing. Ms. Handel also favors repeal of bureaucracy that hinders job creation. This is all well and good, but you need to look deeper into the statements and dig deeper into the meaning of what she says.

For example, Ms. Handel supports the Fair Tax, but she does not recommend elimination of the state income and property taxes, replaced with a consumption tax. You can call it a Fair Tax, flat tax, consumption tax, but the crucial test is whether is stops feeding the state Leviathan. The only way to starve the state Leviathan is to replace the state income and property taxes with a state consumption tax. While we applaud Ms. Handel's strategy of lowering tax rates, that will do nothing to starve the state Leviathan and only shuffle money through a bloated state bureaucracy.

Ms. Handel also recognizes the destructive nature of state bureaucracy for job creation. We applaud any and all initiatives to eliminate rules and regulations that hinder job creation. Still the only way to eliminate the destructive bureaucracy is to slay the state Leviathan and you do that by starving it of money. It's a zero sum game if you successfully grow the economy but simultaneously expand the state Leviathan.

All of this is well and good, but I want to address Ms. Handel's concept of Tax Credits; "Karen also calls for tax credits for capital investment in Georgia start-ups." "Establish an "Angel Investment and Venture Capital Tax Credit to encourage investment in Georgia businesses with high growth potential." This sounds fabulous, but we need to look at the details. Some things to note about tax deductions/tax credits.

Look at the front of the 1040 tax form. There are a number of possible deductions that can be made before figuring the amount of tax due. Any deduction allowed is a good thing. Then on the back of the 1040 tax form there are further itemized deductions or exemptions. Again this is good. At this point the amount of tax due can then be lowered by tax credits, of which there are two types; nonrefundable and refundable.

Nonrefundable tax credits lower the amount of taxes that are due. If no taxes are due because of deductions and exemptions that lowered taxable income, then the credits are unnecessary. Refundable tax credits lower the amount of tax due, but it refunds the unused portion of that credit. The taxpayer actually gets money back from the government over and above what they paid in. This money comes from Leviathan's coffers and taxpayer money. That is called "redistribution of wealth" or welfare. In this case, corporate welfare.

An Angel or Venture Investment Tax Credit can't be nonrefundable, because early stage businesses have no income to be taxed, so nonrefundable tax credits are worthless to start up's. There is no incentive to invest. But, the refundable tax credit is attractive to the early stage investor. The Angel or Venture investor is attracted to the guarantee that all or part of the yearly capital investment in a start up will be received back as a tax credit. This lowers the investors risk and offers no incentive to make resource allocation decisions, which means shutter the business or expand capital investment.

Ms. Handel's tax credit idea is simply welfare for business. It will guarantee tax payer dollars are redistributed to investors instead of allowing market forces to determine whether a business idea is good or bad.

Ms. Handel is not Conservative. She is a creation of the Liberal Republican welfare state. She uses feel good soundbites to further her career, but if you dig deeply you'll find she is not a Conservative and will further expand the state Leviathan.

Next week: Mirror, mirror on the wall ... who is the biggest Democrat of all?

Democrat Tug of War - Nathan Deal vs. Roy Barnes

by Peach Pie

Peach State Voice (Atlanta)

June 30, 2010

Two men fighting to be Governor are trying desperately to out Democrat each other - Nathan Deal and Roy Barnes. Nathan Deal is registered Republican, but Democrat blood flows through his veins. Nathan Deal was elected to Congress in the 9th District of Georgia as a registered Democrat, but switched parties in 1995 after Newt Gingrich took the house. Curiously Nathan voted for Dick Gephardt (D) as Speaker of the House, not Newt Gingrich in January 1995. Roy Barnes is a life long Democrat and former Governor of Georgia. If you look closely at their records, read their campaign material, and listen to their words ... they are fighting to out Democrat each other and Nathan Deal is winning.


"Nathan fought to cut government spending through earmark reform and cost-saving Medicaid reforms." - From Nathan Deal's website

This statement from Nathan Deal is an absolute fabrication. Nothing could be further from the truth -- it's FALSE. Nathan Deal voted to increase government spending to levels not seen in human history during his tenure in Congress and he voted YES to nationalize our health care not cost-saving reforms.

1. Nathan Deal voted YES for the Medicare Prescription Drug Act in 2003 which is a $18.0 trillion (PV) unfunded mandate; $85.0 trillion in future value out 30 years. This Act was the defining step to nationalize health care in the United States. The Medicare Prescription Drug Act is a fundamental portion of Obamacare and Nathan voted YES for this horrible and unnecessary piece of legislation.

Now compare this to Roy Barnes. "In the field of health care, he passed legislation that expanded patients’ right to choose their physicians and held insurance companies accountable for providing prompt, quality care. " -- From Roy Barnes website.

Roy Barnes signed Legislation to give the individual the right to choose their physicians and expanded prompt quality care. Nathan Deal is more a big government Democrat than Roy Barnes when it comes to health care.


"Deal has worked as a strong advocate for public education throughout his career in public service. As a husband who stayed up at night with his wife grading papers, he knows that politicians' rhetoric on education doesn't always, if ever, reflect what happens in real Georgia classrooms. As governor, Nathan will take power away from education bureaucrats and empower local leaders to cater their plans to their local needs and resources." - From Nathan Deal's website.

Again this is FALSE - this is a mirage and fabrication. Nathan Deal voted YES for every Bill while in Congress to Federalize our childrens' schools and place mandates on the citizens of Georgia.

1. 1993 - HR 1804 Goals 2000: Educate Americans Act - Established and mandated seven year accomplishment goals without input from local communities.

2. 2001 - HR 1 No Child Left Behind - Burdensome mandates to states and local communities, destroyed technical and vocational training, and Liberalized testing outcomes.

3. 2003 - HR 2211 Ready to Teach Act - Mandates for teacher certification without input from local communities or teachers.

Now compare this to Roy Barnes.

"In order to prevent policy makers from losing touch with the classroom teacher, I would have two classroom teachers in residence on the governor’s staff who would participate in all policy and legislative discussions. I would also convene teacher panels across the state to provide input to policy makers on the issues that classroom teachers deal with every day."
- From Roy Barnes website.

Roy Barnes does not support government mandates, while Nathan Deal actually voted YES to mandate and force the federal government into our local school rooms.


"Fuel growth in biotech and medical device industry." - From Nathan Deal's website

Biomedical research and development could be a stepping-stone to the future." - From Roy Barnes website.


"Nathan supports the actions by the Legislature to approve a long-anticipated regional transportation plan." - From Nathan Deal's website

Now compare this to Roy Barnes. "Policy makers must get serious about a cohesive, long-term transportation plan for the state, or the prosperity we have enjoyed since the 1960s will quickly diminish. We will lose the ability to maintain industry and attract new business." - From Roy Barnes' website

Home Ownership:

Nathan Deal voted
YES for HR 3838 Housing and Community Development Act in 1993. This Act was; 1. the primary cause of the financial housing meltdown in 2008, 2. it forced banks to make loans to families unable to afford their mortgage, 3. it authorized GNMA to issue mortgage back securities, debt instruments backed by mortgages, and 4. it funded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy up risky mortgages. This one Act has indebted your families future with bad mortgages up to $417,000. You are paying taxes for people that made bad decisions up to a $417,000 mortgage.

Compare that to Roy Barnes. "Roy strengthened economic support for families by successfully implementing property tax cuts for homes and family farms and by establishing a sales tax holiday for Georgia." - From Roy Barnes website

Tax cuts for property owners is what works. Not mandates that force banks to make loans to those who can't pay. Nathan Deal is one of the career politicians from Washington DC that has destroyed our financial system.

Make no mistake about it both men are big government, big bureaucracy, and big spending advocates and the Peach State Voice will not endorse either candidate. Both men are Democrats to the core, both men will expand government, but in the end Nathan Deal is a better Democrat than Roy Barnes.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Karen Handel is she really a Conservative (Part 2)

by Peach Tree

Peach State Voice (Atlanta)

June 8, 2010

This is the second of a three part series to look at Ms. Karen Handel's position on the issues as it pertains to her race for Governor of Georgia in 2010. Ms. Handel professes on her website; "Karen is a lifelong conservative and Republican." The Peach State Voice will be the judge whether Ms. Handel is a Conservative, as for being a Republican we stipulate.

Part 1 - Abortion - Karen's Handel's vision for Georgia.

Part 2 - States Rights - Will she fight hard for all Georgia's citizens?

Part 3 - Economy - Does Karen Handel know Austrian economics?


Part 2 - States Rights - Will she fight hard for all Georgia's citizens?

I've toiled at every piece of information, attended speaking engagements, and read everything in print and available to the public written by Ms. Handel in order to assess her State's Right's beliefs. Click on the audio widget below to hear her score.

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Ms. Handel is NO Conservative when it comes to States Rights.

Next week Part 3. Does Ms Handel's education extend into the natural laws of Austrian economics.
She will be judged against the teachings and writings of the Mises Institute in Auburn, AL.

Mises Institute

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Karen Handel is she really a conservative? (Part 1)

by Peach Tree

Peach State Voice (Atlanta)

June 4, 2010

This is the first of a three part series to look at Ms. Karen Handel's position on the issues as it pertains to her race for Governor of Georgia in 2010. Ms. Handel professes on her website; "Karen is a lifelong conservative and Republican." The Peach State Voice will be the judge whether Ms. Handel is a Conservative, as for being a Republican we stipulate.

Part 1 - Abortion - Karen's Handel's vision for Georgia.

Part 2 - States Rights - Will she fight hard for all Georgia's citizens?

Part 3 - Economy - Does Karen Handel know Austrian economics?


Part 1 - Karen Handel's vision for Georgia.

"Karen is pro-life. As a matter of law she believes society may allow for exceptions in cases of rape, incest or when there is a real threat to the mother’s life."
Karen Handel website.

The Declaration of Independence, our Founding document, clearly states that every person has a GOD given right to Life and Liberty. Conservatives believe the United States Constitution, our governing document, embraces the philosophy and ideas of our Founding to nurture our society. Abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution, therefore it violates the very principle that GOD bestowed upon all human beings expressed in The Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the United States Constitution - the right to Life and Liberty. If you reject this truth, you are not a Conservative.

What does it mean when Ms. Handel makes the statement about abortion in which she "believes society may allow for exceptions in cases of rape, incest or when there is a real threat to the mother's life." It means that Karen Handel believes in a society that picks and chooses what human beings have the right to Life and Liberty. We fought a great Civil War to end this notion that one group of people whether by skin color or nature of birth were free. We fought a great war in Europe to end the slaughter of millions of innocent people of particular religions and ethnic backgrounds. In the end, our elected representatives must respect the value of all human life.

"Regrettably, we live at a time when some persons do not value all human life. They want to pick and choose which individuals have value." - Ronald Reagan

Perhaps the most eloquent Conservative thoughts on abortion were penned by Ronald Reagan in The Human Life Review (Spring of 1983) in this article Abortion and Conscience of the Nation. President Reagan explains the real meaning of abortion. President Reagan concludes; "We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life — the unborn — without diminishing the value of all human life." Ms. Handel believes those lives categorized 'conceived during the crime of rape and incest' are somehow less valuable than those conceived in the privacy of a couples bedroom. The crimes of rape and incest are punishable by society with stiff jail terms, yet Ms. Handel would also condemn the most innocent in this crime, the child, to death. President Reagan warned us; "every citizen needs to recognize that the real issue is whether to affirm and protect the sanctity of all human life, or to embrace a social ethic where some human lives are valued and others are not." What lawmaker, what doctor, what citizen has the right to condemn one child to death and allow another to live?

The concept of abortion-on-demand no longer sits well with the general population of the United States. A recent Gallup poll in June 2010 shows that more Americans now identify themselves as pro-life versus pro-choice. Forty-seven percent of Americans self-identify as pro-life, as compared to 45% pro-choice.

Still the number of abortion providers in the State of Georgia has increased from 26 to 34 from FY2000 to FY2005. The number of abortion slaughter houses has increased 31% across Georgia, while the number across the nation has fallen 2%. Exit interviews of aborting females of reproductive age indicate that 4.9% were performed under the guise of 'protecting the mother's health/rape or incest' not to protect the mother's life. Of the 33,180 abortions performed in Georgia in 2005, 1,626 children were deemed valueless and destroyed for reasons to 'protect the health of the mother/rape or incest' and another 31,554 for all other reasons.

Ron Paul, MD, Congressman from the State of Texas has delivered 4,000 babies during his medical career and he says;
"People ask an expectant mother how her baby is doing. They do not ask how her fetus is doing, or her blob of tissue, or her parasite. But that is what her baby becomes as soon as the child is declared to be unwanted."

I leave you with this quote by Ronald Reagan.

"What, then, is the real issue? I have often said that when we talk about abortion, we are talking about two lives — the life of the mother and the life of the unborn child. Why else do we call a pregnant woman a mother? I have also said that anyone who doesn't feel sure whether we are talking about a second human life should clearly give life the benefit of the doubt. If you don't know whether a body is alive or dead, you would never bury it. I think this consideration itself should be enough for all of us to insist on protecting the unborn."

Karen Handel's vision for the State of Georgia means picking one group of children for destruction over another; deeming one category of human life as valueless and worthy of destruction, and overseeing the ever expanding apparatus of abortion in the State of Georgia. On this issue Karen Handel is NO Conservative.

Next week - State's Rights - We look at Ms. Handel's knowledge and understanding of the United States Constitution as it pertains to the 10th Amendment/States Rights. Can Karen Handel stand-up to special interests and the Federal government to protect the health and welfare of all Georgia's citizens, not just a chosen few?